The Benefits of Optimal Accessibility When Selling Your Home: Exploring the Positive Effects on Your Property's Value and Marketability

Nowadays, when you make the decision to list your house for sale and enlist a real estate agent to facilitate the process, it's important for them to understand your preferences about how much access you want to give prospective buyers. It's key that you communicate these wishes in a clear and detailed manner, providing facts and other pertinent information to ensure a successful selling experience. 

As the pandemic intensified and drove up demand, homebuyers found themselves having to put offers on homes without seeing them in person first. This was due to a number of key factors :

  • The low availability of houses on the market.
  • Intense competition from prospective buyers hoping to take advantage of already-low mortgage rates.
  • The reluctance of many people to tour houses in person amid health concerns. 

However, with the market adapting and shifting, potential buyers tend to be less rushed when selecting their ideal home. They can take their time and explore multiple options while being presented with more detailed information and facts about each property they are considering.

In order to showcase your house and maximize the chances of a sale, focus on providing potential buyers with ample access; before coordinating with your agent, consider these five levels of access available, arranged from most convenient for buyers to least convenient. Your agent will be able to more effectively market your home if they have more opportunities to show it off, so aim to provide as much access as possible. To ensure prospective buyers can view and appreciate all aspects of the property, make sure you include all relevant details in descriptions, such as the size/style of rooms, upgrades or renovations completed, and any other features that could impact purchase decisions.

Utilizing a lockbox on the door allows potential buyers to view the home at their leisure without requiring an agent to be present. It provides an optimal level of convenience and accessibility. With this option, it only takes a phone call in order to arrange access, allowing for quick and efficient showings. An alternative approach is providing the key to the home, but this necessitates the agent visit an office in order to collect it beforehand. The third option is to allow access by appointment only, giving you time to prepare the house and make sure that you are away from the premises during showings. This method provides ample notice so that any necessary arrangements can be made, creating a seamless process for all parties involved. If you're only comfortable having potential buyers view your home on specific days or at certain times of day, this is likely to be the least desirable and restrictive option for potential purchasers. Being highly selective with viewing times can limit the number of interested parties and reduce the opportunity to make a sale. Additionally, limiting access could potentially result in a longer time on the market before your property is sold.

As the real estate market evolves and fluctuates, making sure that prospective buyers can access your home is essential to selling it quickly. Your local real estate agent can help you ensure that all interested parties are given adequate opportunity to view the property and become familiar with its features. Being proactive in this regard is key, especially if you're hoping to make a move in the springtime. By taking steps now, you not only set yourself up for success but could even find yourself in a favorable negotiating position as more potential buyers take notice of what you have to offer.

The sale of your house can be drastically improved with access to all the right factors. From comprehensive marketing strategies to competitive pricing and strategically showcasing your home's unique features, taking advantage of access can really move the needle on how quickly you make a sale. Now that spring is here; this could be a great time to start taking action on your real estate goals. If you're ready to make a move, let's connect today to talk about how we can get started! With our combined knowledge, experience, and resources, we will work together to make sure that the sale of your house is a memorable one – full of positive outcomes.



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